All textbook totals are calculated at the time of order using "new" prices. We strive to fill textbook orders with requested condition, NEW/USED. If the requested condition is not available, your order will be filled with the next available condition. Final charges on textbook orders are placed at time of processing and will change according to the NEW/USED condition of the book pulled.
All textbook totals are calculated at the time of order using "new" prices. We strive to fill textbook orders with requested condition, NEW/USED. If the requested condition is not available, your order will be filled with the next available condition. Final charges on textbook orders are placed at time of processing and will change according to the NEW/USED condition of the book pulled.
All textbook totals are calculated at the time of order using "new" prices. We strive to fill textbook orders with requested condition, NEW/USED. If the requested condition is not available, your order will be filled with the next available condition. Final charges on textbook orders are placed at time of processing and will change according to the NEW/USED condition of the book pulled.
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